Gina Pizzini








UpClose Magazine is a magazine about area businesses, designed to give the reader an UpClose look at the people who run and operate these retail and service outlets. We know that people prefer to do business with people, not businesses. With UpClose Magazine, the reader gets a chance to meet those people and learn more about them and their business, allowing them to make educated choices about where they purchase their goods and services. Distributed to 75,000 of Fort Bend’s Most Affluent Households in an attractive, upscale format using full color throughout, on 70# gloss paper, with an 8.5″ x 11″ page size, UpClose Magazine delivers your message with impact.

2024 UpClose Media Kit

2024 UpClose Rate Card and Distribution by ZIP Code

Marketing Testimonials

Fort Bend County is now home to many of Houston’s, as well as the Nation’s top retailers and service outlets. Why are they choosing Fort Bend County? Because it continues to be one of the Nation’s fastest growing areas, and the demographic studies used to determine the location for these high profile companies only underscores our reasoning and excitement to direct mail this highly sought out area of the country with 75,000 Homes Direct Mailed each and Every Month!

If you have any questions, please let us know. We’ll be calling you in the very near future with the hopes that we will have the opportunity to discuss in further detail how UpClose Magazine can put together an attractive ad campaign designed to be both fun and effective in reaching your target market.

“And remember that…he who has a thing to sell, and goes and hollers in a well is not so apt to get the dollars, as he who climbs a tree and hollers!”

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