Houston, March 25, 2014
Many people who are struggling with eating disorders believe there are only two ways to see life and recovery: right or wrong, good or bad, healthy or sick, all or nothing. Rarely are struggling people able to imagine anything exists between these polar opposites.
This was the mindset of Lindsey Hirschorn as she first began her battle to recover from an eating disorder. To her, nothing in her life could be “just okay” as it was. She was either experiencing great triumph or complete failure. Whether it was athletics or relationships or continual attempts to change her body, the silent messages she allowed herself to believe were, if she wasn’t perfect and in control, her only other option was to give up and walk away.
Then one day she chose to stay and fight for her health, her dreams, and her life – and this courageous choice changed Lindsey’s life forever.
On Wednesday, April 9th at 8pm, please join MentorCONNECT, the first global online eating disorders mentoring community, for a FREE Teleconference. In this event, Lindsey will share what led her to push back against her “all or nothing” mentality and accept the support she needed to recover from her eating disorder once and for all.
During this hour-long FREE Teleconference, Lindsey will offer participants her personal experience and insight into recovery. She will share how she navigated each step of her recovery journey, from still wanting to lose a few more pounds to facing a difficult family intervention to the final turning point when she realized the strength to achieve a full recovery had to come from within her. She will also answer questions from participants during the call.
Register today for this very exciting event! Go to http://mentorconnect.eventbrite.com/
More about Lindsey Hirschorn
Lindsey Hirschorn overcame a personal battle with anorexia and bulimia to become a mentor and leader for those struggling with recovery, serves on the MentorCONNECT Board of Directors and as a NEDA Navigator in her local area. In addition her volunteer programs, Lindsey works at a major motion picture studio in Hollywood, California. In her free time you’ll find Lindsey hiking, practicing yoga, cooking, and watching HGTV and the Food Network. She lives with her fiancé and their four bamboo plants.
More about MentorCONNECT
MentorCONNECT, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is the first global eating disorders mentoring community. MentorCONNECT membership is always free and includes access to a password protected, moderated, PRO-recovery support community with live weekly chat-based support groups, monthly teleconferences with recovery experts, the opportunity to participate in a variety of themed support groups, a personal recovery blog for each member, and much more. To volunteer your services as a caring mentor, be matched with a mentor, or find general support for eating disorders recovery, visit www.mentorconnect-ed.org
For more information about the teleconference please contact:
Alison Smela (alison@mentorconnect-ed.org)